Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Home Depot Coupons Can Save You Hundreds

Owning and maintaining a home doesnt come cheap and home improvement costs just add to the budget strain. Its no surprise that do-it-yourself stores like Home Depot have grown by leaps and bounds in the past years. If you want to know how Home Depot can save you even more money than it is already, you may want to look into using Home Depot coupons when you shop at their online store.

Its not surprising that the majority of consumers dont even know Home Depot coupons exist. Home Depot doesnt usually go around advertising them and most people dont know where to find them. However, finding Home Depot coupons does not have to be a wild treasure hunt. The coupons are readily available through affiliate websites and these affiliate websites can save you literally hundreds of dollars with the Home Depot coupons they have to offer.

When I say Home Depot coupons can save you hundreds of dollars, I am not exaggerating. In fact, if you are working on your home, saving that much money with Home Depot coupons is pretty easy to do. For example, if you need new appliances and your purchase came to a total of $2,000 and you had a Home Depot coupon for ten percent off, you could save a whopping $200 on your purchase. Thats not chump change.

Home Depot coupons dont always come as a percentage off. Some Home Depot coupons may offer you a gift card if you make a certain purchase while other Home Depot coupons may offer you a free accessory with your purchase or free delivery. If you want to know what Home Depot coupons are available at any given time, your best bet is to check out an affiliate website that will provide you with the links and codes needed to take advantage of the current offers.

Appliances arent the only things you can use Home Depot coupons on. You can use Home Depot coupons on tools, patio furniture, grills, lawn mowers, lighting, flooring, and everything else thats for sale on the Home Depot website. Just remember, Home Depot coupons can only be used online. You cant take the coupon code into a store and expect them to give you the online discount.

Even though there are usually multiple Home Depot coupons being offered at one time, you cant use more than one Home Depot coupon on the same purchase. You can combine a coupon with a discount price or a rebate, but you cant combine two Home Depot coupons with each other. Because of this, its important to make sure you check out all of the currently available Home Depot coupons so you can be sure youre using the one thats going to get you the best deal.

So while home maintenance, home repairs and home improvement can all be a real strain on the wallet, Home Depot coupons can help lighten the load when those high costs come rolling in.

Copyright © 2006, Michael Glozman. Find more Home Depot Coupons at http://Cheapstingybargains.comBrigitte Blog57308
Bari Blog67170

Five Romantic Vacation Ideas

What makes a vacation romantic? Let's start with examples before definitions. Here are a few romantic vacation ideas.

An ocean cruise is certainly a classic romantic vacation. Why not escape it all - even the sight of land. Isolated together out at sea, in the comfort of a cruise ship - that can be very romantic. There are a couple things to consider, though, if you want to keep the romance going.

First, thoroughly investigate and talk about your options. Perhaps you both were assuming the other wanted a traditional warm-water cruise, when in reality you both would love to watch whales and glaciers on an Alaskan cruise. It's not just about the many possible destinations, either. There are different styles of cruises, from pure sightseeing ones to more active ones to "party boats." Be sure the cruise has activities that you'll enjoy participating in together.

You also need to be sure you budget enough so money worries don't steal the romance from the vacation. Think about what you'll be doing, both on and off the ship. It isn't romantic to run out of money on a vacation, and cruise ship bars are notoriously expensive.

Romantic vacations might include train rides, if you both like to relax and take in the scenery. The Royal Gorge Train, here in Canon City, Colorado, for example, takes you for a stunning ride through the gorge and along the Arkansas river. The dining cars serve great meals and the windows on some cars co overhead, so you can easily take in the view above.

Budget Romantic Vacation Ideas

The sun, sand, and the sound of the waves can relax you and take away the stress and worry of "everyday life," but beach vacations can get pricey. If money is tight, you can do like we did in northern Florida. We camped in our conversion van at a state campground on the beach. Our days were spent collecting shells together, swimming, and flying a kite. One evening we took our chairs down by the water to watch the sunset. The beaches of the Great Lakes are another great place for a romantic vacation, and are even more affordable.

Another low-cost romantic vacation idea is to rent the little cabins that can be found in many state parks. Wilderness State Park in northern Michigan, for example, has cabins that are closer to the beach, and those that require you to hike into the woods a few miles. They are reasonable, and you can pack in good food and a bottle of wine to add to the romance.

It can be very affordable and romantic to spend some time together in a small town that is surrounded by beautiful scenery. Some of our favorites include Lone Pine, California, Anaconda, Montana, Silverton, Colorado, and Marquette, Michigan. Try wandering the streets of walkable small towns, exploring the woods and fields around them, eating in local cafes and going to classic small-town theaters. For my wife and I, this is one of our favorite romantic vacation ideas.

Steve Gillman hit the road at sixteen, and traveled the U.S. and Mexico alone at 17. Now 42, he travels with his wife Ana, whom he met in Ecuador. For travel stories, tips and a free Travel Secrets e-book, visit: http://www.EverythingAboutTravel.comAnnabel Blog9874
Albina Blog46917

George Lindemann Sr

One of the most distinguished residents of Palm Beach, Florida, is gas and media tycoon George Lindemann Sr., one of the richest men in the world according to Forbes. With a net worth estimated at $1.5 billion, George Lindemann and his family are currently ranked 512th in Forbes' list of The World's Richest People 2006.

George Lindemann, however, is more than just your usual wealthy man. On top of being a smart and able business executive and a consummate family man, he also happens to be wealthy in a lot of other aspects. A patron of the arts, an influential philantrophist, a defender of civil rights and an avid sportsman are just some of the adjectives that best describe George Lindemann, the billionaire.

Born in 1936 in New York City, Lindemann went on to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in economics from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. This education was put to good use, which shows in the resounding success of the many diverse enterprises he has entered into through the course of his life.

In 1958, he joined the cosmetics and hair care products company of his father, which eventually diversified into pharmaceutical products. Dabbling in eye, ear, nose and throat product research, as well as early research on intraocular lenses, Lindemann is primarily responsible for the development and marketing of the first permanent-wear soft contact lens, Permalens. This is where his fortunes began to rise and eventually make him one of the wealthiest men in the world

After selling his contact lens business to Cooper Labs for $60 million in 1971, Lindemann went on to become president of Vision Cable Communications, a pioneer in the cable television industry with New Jersey, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida and Louisiana operations. From there, he became the president and CEO of Metro Mobile Communications, Inc., the second largest SMR (specialized mobile radio) dispatch company in the United States. Eventually, he sold the Metro Mobile cell service to Bell Atlantic for $2.6 billion in 1992.

At present, George Lindemann is the chairman of the board, president and CEO of Southern Union Company, which ranks as the second largest natural gas pipeline company in the United States. He has been the chairman and CEO of the company since 1990, while his position as president didn't come until his appointment in November 2005. Lindemann and his family own about 10% of Southern Union. His family also currently holds a large stake in Verizon Communications. In addition to all this, he owns 19 Spanish-language radio stations.

An active supporter of the arts, George Lindemann sits on the board of the New Orleans Museum of Art, as well as that of the Metropolitan Club in New York City. He is also on the board of directors of the International Class A Yacht Association, Perto Cervo, Sardinia, Italy. Ever the avid sportsman, Lindemann also happens to be the proud owner of the 180-foot schooner named Adela that took the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup 2005 at Porto Cervo, Sardinia, Italy.

For more info on George Lindemann Sr., visit author Neil Crespi at Frequently updated, his site contains more important details about billionaire George Lindemann Sr.Aubrette Blog1172
Aida Blog63178

Asset Protection in the USA

When we surf through the web we see many entities selling American corporations and other structures that they consider to be called asset protection strategies. These run the gamut of corporations in the states of Wyoming, Delaware or Nevada, trusts of various types and other structures all based in the USA.

What is wrong here is that nothing in the USA can protect you from an over zealous judge who feels your assets should be forfeited to satisfy some sort of debt or perceived debt. You are subject to the mercy of some Judge. Now if the Judge over steps his bounds you are faced with paying massive legal bills to correct the situation in the appeals court. Ask some of these law firms that do these asset protection structures what their rate per hour is going to be to try and recover your assets on appeal. Figure on rates starting at $325.00 and going up to $650.00 for a partner in a top drawer law firm in the USA. Ouch. Litigation in the USA is too prevalent and expensive to allow one to comfortably use this jurisdiction for preservation of assets. The legal expenses of defending the asset protection structure can wipe out the assets.

Next problem is government confiscation of funds. Usually this is temporary pending some court date but could be permanent in theory and/or practice. In the USA some government agencies can confiscate funds without taking you to court, thus no trial, no being judged guilty by a court of your peers, no due process, no trial by jury etc. There are other government agencies that need to get a court order to confiscate your funds and other assets but the courts tend to listen hard to these agencies and usually give them what they want which is going to be your assets. There are no really anonymous corporations in the USA. There is no bank secrecy or privacy at all. There is really no secure way to protect your assets from confiscation. Sure you might be able to go to court later on after the confiscation and convince a judge to return all or some of your assets but with what funds are you going to pay for your legal defense. Now you have to convince a lawyer to take your case onhoping he can get the judge to allow your money to be used to pay for your legal defense. These government agencies dont even want you to be able to pay for your defense. They will argue that they are so sure of winning it is a waste of money to let you use the funds to pay for a high powered law firm. How can there be asset protection in this environment?

Let me explain what an Ex Parte proceeding is. Let us assume you feel you have a good case in a court of law against a person or corporation. You hire a reputable law firm and prepare a complaint with whatever evidence you may or may not have. Next you motion the court for an Ex Parte hearing in the Judges chambers in private before the other party even knows you are suing them. You basically tell the Judge that you feel you have an excellent chance of winning and you are most concerned that the defendant will attempt to flee with their assets when the lawsuit commences. You then ask the court to freeze the bank accounts, real estate and other property of the defendant so the defendant can not flee with the assets. You of course post a bond to cover any damages in case you lose. Now it is going to be an unlikely event that you lose since your adversary now has all his money frozen so how is he or she going to pay for an adequate legal defense. Essentially you are suffering as if you were bankrupt all before you had your trial in court, and in this case even before you knew anyone is suing you. If the defendant argues that he needs the money for defense the plaintiff argues that it is going to be a waste of time and money to let the defendant blow money that could go to them on a legal defense. So now the defendant is essentially broke, how can he manage his business and retain adequate legal counsel? Mind you all of this happened without the defendant ever having a chance to defend himself in court. This is one tactic wealthy corporations employ against small business people that get in their way. Dont let your lawyer tell you this is rarely done. It is a common procedure. Most of the internet giants do this in their litigation, look up their court cases to see it happening. Government regulatory agencies have a very similar way of doing this in the court system as well. It operates slightly more openly but has the same effect frozen assets before you get your day in court.

Do you know what a John Doe lawsuit is? I will explain this unusual tool of legal chicanery that as far as we know works in the USA. Let us say you are a large billion dollar corporation and you feel you have been harmed in some way but are not able to identify the party causing the injury. Say someone has been violating copyright protected material of yours by distributing it. You file a lawsuit in Federal Court against John Does 1-99 stating that you will identify the actual defendants as their identities are uncovered in the course of discovery. You send a clerk down to the courthouse and he has the court clerk stamp the lawsuit and now this lawsuit is live. OK now you have the subpoena power of the federal court at your disposal and there is no opposing counsel to block your subpoenas and depositions. So you go about your merry way issuing subpoenas for bank accounts, phone records, stock brokerage accounts, etc. all very lawful USA subpoenas. You might even take a few depositions to get the facts explained in more detail. The judge need not individually approve these subpoenas for them to be valid. So basically you don't even need to sue a real person or corporation to get to use the subpoena power of the US Federal Courts. Remember the entity being served with the subpoena like the bank or stock broker has no obligation to tell you the owner of the bank account that a subpoena was served on them for your records and they could even be ordered to keep their mouth shut so as to prevent flight with the assets. Another fine example of the sheer lack of privacy in the USA whereby your bank records can be examined by a stranger based on a lawsuit with nobody. If you haven't thought of it consider what happens to your bank records after the law firm has them. Can they enter them into the lawsuit and thus make them public or semi-public? Can they share them with others? Could they even publish them on the internet? Good questions to ask yourself now, not after something like this happens to you.

I know one can argue that their trust or corporation is not responsible for personal debts and there are court cases to back this up, but then inquire as to how much money it is going to cost you to defend the asset protection strategy against aggressive collection lawyers who know just how to make it real expensive for you so as to bring about a settlement. It is a legal jungle in the USA and we can not any daylight in trying to protect assets in the USA.

Now we can talk about private detectives in America getting bank information, credit card information, phone records etc. Go look at the ads on the internet and call these private detectives up, they even take credit cards. We can also go on to discuss identity theft from security violations concerning bank accounts, credit cards, public records (Panama has no credit bureaus so identity theft is of course not something frequently seen). If you vest your Panama real estate in the name of an anonymous bearer share corporation how could that possibly help someone do an identity theft on you? If your bank accounts were covered by bank secrecy laws wouldn't that help insulate you from identity theft? Panama is a much safer place legally.

In Panama lawyer games like those described above do not exist. Corporate and foundation assets belong to the corporation or foundation. Tagging on personal debts is extremely difficult to prove and there are tight statues of limitation concerning such fraudulent conveyances to defraud creditors ( three years). USA lawyers can not practice in Panama, they need to retain a Panama lawyer if they ever wanted to do anything in Panama. Government agencies from foreign countries have no levy, attachment or confiscatory powers in Panama. You and your assets are much safer in Panama.

Ronald Edwards is a researcher, with years of experience in finances and real estate.Cathy Blog67057
Ashla Blog50406

How to Creatively Decorate Using Floor Lamps

When it comes to setting the mood or atmosphere in a room, not only does proper illumination add to the allure of your personal space, but also the sources of light. While table lamps and ceiling lights serve a functional purpose, floor lamps are expansive in the many different ways one may decorate their space and showcase their creativity. Whether you choose an antique selection to brighten your den or side with a traditional Victorian fringe design for the bedroom, the never-ending possibilities of a floor lamp shine through in the mind-boggling variety in choices.

Antique Lamps

There is a certain elegance and intrigue associated with displaying an antique floor lamp. In home design, the mystery and unknown past of such an item is enough to spark the imagination, as well as provide a delightful conversation topic when family and friends visit. Today, there are manufacturers that strive to recreate this very look by emulating flowery, ornamental approaches towards antique furniture, which allows homeowners to match their lighting sources with other elements of their dcor.

A few common features of antique lamps include the stained-glass lampshade, brass finishes, and intricate designs. When one is interested in truly decorating their home with antique floor lamps, genuine specimens may cost quite a bit, such as French antique lamps carrying a price tag of more than thousands of dollars. Usually, an antique or antique-styled floor lamp is selected because of its look and fit within a setting, rather than bringing light into the room.

One-of-a-Kind Pieces

Floor lamps are also known to serve as a work of art, as some artists fashion one-of-a-kind pieces that sometimes depict odd, creative, or unusual displays. Some of the unique possibilities of artsy floor lamps include planetary designs, sculpted wooden figures, wild animals, and abstract images. Artistic floor lamps may also use unusual objects to construct the base of the lamp, such as animal antlers, petrified wood, branches, or heat-treated metal. They may rise in the air like an ivory torch or bring the look and feel of fantasy with fairies decorating their base.

Some floor lamps are fashioned with a specific art movement in mind, such as colorful Art Deco pieces. Artists may also hand craft their samples and hand paint customized detailing on the outside of the shade to add characteristic touches for home and/or office use.

Regional Flair

Floor lamps are sometimes used to represent or pay homage to regional pride, as seen in Southwestern selections showcasing characteristic elements added to a lamp, such as images of cacti and rattlesnakes. A New York City-themed floor lamp may showcase a silhouette of the Empire State Building. Cozy wilderness scenes of Colorado and other rustic locations may utilize the image of wild critters, such as the grizzly bear or bald eagle.

Create a Mood

Floor lamps allow individuals to create a mood within their home or office that becomes the focus of the space when one enters the room. A gateway to the past may come alive with a Victorian-style street lamp displaying the soft, burnt orange glow of a custom crafted glass lampshade. Perhaps, the theme of your living room is Oriental a solid hardwood floor lamp with a Chinese raw lacquer finish with mother of pearl and metal chrome accents will fit into the dcor. Color also helps create a mood, such as the vibrant shades of red in Asian-style floor lamps.

Mix and Match Color Bulbs to Match Lampshades

The unique part of purchasing a floor lamp is that you may change lampshades to the base of your favorite lamp, just as you can match different colored light bulbs to create varying effects within a room. Depending on the time of day and other outside factors, various lampshade colors transform light into an array of shades, but red, blue, green, and even yellow lights can establish the atmosphere into a controlled setting, such as a romantic environment to a room set aside for contemplation, withdrawal, or reflection.

In conclusion, the many uses and dcor ideas regarding floor lamps are quite vast, as homeowners may choose from a host of inviting and exciting selections on the market. Today, an assortment of contemporary, traditional, hip, artisan, and antique lamps expand the possibilities of floor lamp interior design.

Desmond Smalls is the owner of http://SnSLamps.comArdra Blog76316
Annnora Blog65551

Be a Master Negotiator with Three Simple Steps

Almost every day of your life you are involved in at least one and often many negotiations. As a matter of fact, you are probably a master negotiator for the vast majority of those, without even consciously thinking about it. And yet, when it comes to big negotiations, people all too often dont employ all the effective tactics that they see and use every day.

The key is to take what you learn from your smaller negotiations and apply those same techniques to your bigger ones.

For example, did you take a shower this week? Do you realize that your ability to take a shower was based on negotiating skills? Its true. Unless you have your own water tower, then you and someone else must be in an ongoing negotiation so that when you turn the faucets on in the shower, water comes out.

Did you drive a car today? If so, you were negotiating decisions during the entire drive. When you used your turn signal you were non-verbally negotiating with other drivers about where you wanted to drive, and when. At every stop you were part of a negotiation about who should go at a given time. If you purchased gasoline for the car, that was a negotiation.

The examples are almost endless. Even answering your phone is a negotiation. Someone is trying to get you to do something, and you are deciding whether to do what they want, or to do something else.

Within all these small negotiations, and the thousands of others just like them that you participate in every day, are three key steps. You see, and most likely intuitively follow, these steps all the time. Think now about applying them to your bigger negotiations.

Step #1 Know What You Want and Why You Want It

It is very hard to obtain what you want, if you dont know what it is and why you want it. Knowing you want water in your house so you can shower each day, provides the focus for you to have a negotiated agreement with the water company and not a pool company or the cable company. And yet, many times people enter larger negotiations without knowing what they want and why.

One of the most common places this occurs is during salary negotiations. People walk into a discussion without having a very clear picture of how much they want, and what they plan on doing with the money.

This leads to a host of problems. The first one is that by negotiating on salary, the negotiation gets too focused. Potential solutions that would work for both parties are never addressed because they are out of the scope of salary. For example, suppose you are in the final phases of interviewing for a new job, or heading into an annual review, and you are at the point where you are discussing how much you will get paid. At a minimum, think of that negotiation not in terms of salary, but in terms of total possible compensation.

Your boss may not be able to give you a ten thousand dollar increase in your salary. However, he or she may be able to give you a tuition credit, free access to company sponsored day care, or a company car. Perhaps you can get a travel allowance for your daily commute or free food service at the company food-court. If you were going to spend money on those items anyway, then receiving those benefits is just as good as getting the higher salary.

Creating a list of your monthly expenses, and then negotiating for alternative ways your company can pay for those, is an excellent example of following step #1. By knowing what you want, and why you want it, you can find many ways to get the results you are looking for.

Step #2 Do Your Research and Have Multiple Options Ready

The best time to explore alternatives is not in a negotiation, it is before a negotiation. Think in terms of the compensation example from Step #1. If you had already done the research and identified that the company has a program in place for tuition reimbursement, then that option becomes instantly more viable than if it is an unknown possibility.

Justifying a purchase price for everything from a new car to a corporation becomes much easier if you can put specific examples in front of the person you are negotiating with. Do the research they dont have time for, so that you can make their decision process as easy as possible. Provide them with information that justifies why the decision you want them to make, is the right one.

Most people are looking for someone else to bring them actionable solutions. It isnt that they dont want to give benefits, its that they dont have time to figure out how to give the benefits. Do yourself a favor and do all the legwork for the other person. If all they have to do is sign on the appropriate documentation, which you have already obtained and filled out for them, you are much more likely to get that signature.

This step is applicable to all types of negotiations. Whether you are trying to purchase a 400 unit apartment building or a single family home, do your research ahead of time and have your options ready when you come to the negotiating table. A filled out home warranty or an umbrella liability policy is much more likely to be put in as part of a deal, if all the other person has to do is sign the paperwork.

We participate in these tactics all the time, although usually from the receiving end of the assistance. For example when you pull up to a gasoline station, you engage in a mini-negotiation. By enabling customers to pay quickly and easily at the pump, the gas companies are negotiating with you to purchase a full tank of gas instead of buying as much gas as you have cash on hand. They have even waived the signature requirement as a way of making it easier for you to decide. This is a classic illustration of both how effective it is to think before, not during a negotiation, and the benefits of having the right options available.

Step #3 Ask What the Other Party Needs and Wants

Knowing what both parties need and want out of a negotiation opens up a world of possible ways to make that happen. A good philosophy to remember is that successful negotiations are not Us against them, they are Us and them.

Put everyones needs and wants on the table and explore the best ways to solve all of them. People use a quick version of this method all the time on phone calls. Very early in most conversations someone will ask What do you need? or What can I do for you? Those questions quickly get all the needs and wants on the table. Then both people come to a quick consensus on what to do and when.

In larger negotiations this may take the form of a business owner who needs your product or service to grow their business, but cant afford to pay a lump sum for it. Knowing that the lump sum payment is the obstacle, you can look for alternative ways to fund the deal so that they get the product or service, and you still make the sale.

If you know that a potential employer is unable to meet your compensation needs because he or she has to keep on budget for this year, but they will have a new and larger budget in four months, then that opens up all kinds of options for a deferred bonus, six month raise, four months of flex time, etc.

If that same potential employer has funds budgeted to hire a second person for a skill set that you also have, you could take on a mix of responsibilities and have some of those funds re-allocated to you.

Being a master negotiator requires taking the many skills that you hone and practice every day, and applying them in different contexts. Take these three steps and as you use them during the week, think about how you can apply them elsewhere. Then the next time you head into a big negotiation, youll be ready to get exactly what you want.

John P. Strelecky is the international best selling author of The Why Cafe-, and a highly sought after inspirational speaker on; Why are you here and what do you want to do about it? He has shared the best seller list with among others, Mitch Albom (Tuesdays with Morrie/The Five People You Meet in Heaven), Malcolm Gladwell (Blink/The Tipping Point), Thomas Friedman (The World is Flat), and Stephen J. Dubner (Freakonomics). Through Johns books, CDs, articles, and appearances on television and radio, he has positively impacted the lives of millions of people. John can be reached through his website at, or by calling 407-342-4181.Carly Blog15646
Carmel Blog2650

Before You Hire A Decorative Artists, Ask The Right Questions

Hiring a decorative artist to work in your home is a personal experience. From the beginning planning stage to the actual process of painting, a homeowner and artist will spend many hours together. Below are five tips to aid the creative process, and insure you hire the most qualified studio that fits your projects needs.

Finding the Artist. Home Shows, interior designers, and local home magazines are ideal places to find professional artists. Check out the walls of established hair salons or restaurants. Try the local phone book-- many times artists are included in the paint contractors category.

A quick search on the web, using key words such as Des Moines Faux Finish may lead to immediate local results when looking for a specific area. Make sure to go through the first three pages of your search. You may also try, a national database.

Questions For The Artist and You. When contacting the artist be prepared with questions. First, make sure the artist is an actual business entity, rather than a hobby painter. For example, decorative artists work is considered to be part of the construction industry in Iowa. Artists working on walls and interiors of homes are required to be a registered contractor with the state. To see if the artist your considering to hire check here Second, ask if the artist is covered by insurance. It is extremely important to ask if they are covered not only by liability insurance, but that all helpers on the jobsite are covered by workers compensation insurance. Decorative artists work on ladders and scaffolding on most jobs; safety must come first.

Other questions to ask include:

* Do you have a website?
* What is your lead time?
* How much is your consultation fee?
* Will you make a sample of any proposed ideas?
* Where have you been trained?
* Do you use professional, durable products?

While on the phone be prepared to explain to the artist what your vision and goals are for the proposed project area. Discuss ideas such as interior design style, or if you would like to add texture to the wall. Specific problems you are trying to solve, such as incorporating color into an open floor plan are crucial. Be ready to talk about budgetwhat is the amount of money you feel comfortable spending on a project.

During The Consultation. Most artists will meet potential clients in their homes. An average consultation takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes. If more than one room is to be discussed, prepare the artist before hand so plenty of time is scheduled. For large projects, a consultation can run considerably longer. Ideally, all decision makers are present. The artist will bring a portfolio of work. The portfolio can include a number of items such as large samples boards, photographs of completed homes, idea books, and color decks. Make sure to judge the portfolio on the quality of items, and not the sheer number. However, an artist who has many years experience will have a much larger portfolio than an artist starting out. Let the artist know what your budget is. If you do not feel comfortable, speak in broad terms such as Between $1300-1800. By telling the artist an approximate price range, the best finishes can be chosen that fall into the budget. The artist will also measure out the wall or ceiling area, and take your contact information to return your estimate.

Compare Estimates. When comparing estimates from several different decorative studios, make sure you are comparing the same finishes. An eight layer finish can range in the $8-12 s.f. category, while a 3 layer finish may price at $4 s.f. Glazed walls will be significantly less than textured finishes. The below example gives different price comparisons:

A small powder room is to mimic an old rustic and aged leather that finisher A. refers to as a colorwash. The finisher prices this at $1300. Finisher B doesnt recommend the color red for the bathroom, but suggest a light tan leather look, also referred to as a colorwash on their estimate. The price is $650. Though it may seem as finisher A is double the price, the finishes are greatly different. The red leather finish will need a grey primer basecoat, as well as 2 coats of red paint. Red paint is often priced slightly higher than other colors, due to the red colorants added. The brown leather finish may not require a basecoatthe homeowner has leftover wall paint, and the painter has agreed this will work great for the basecoat by showing the homeowner a sample. The painter then will have to glaze the walls.

Ask the artist for an approximate time frame. An artist working alone may need several weeks to complete a home with multiple finishes. A studio with several trained artists on staff will complete the project in a shorter period of time. Examine each estimate. If a painters price is considerably lower than other estimates the standard of craftmanship may not be up to par with more qualified contractors. Weigh all factors-price quote, references, and professionalism before making a decision.

Hiring an artist is an exciting experience for any homeowner. Customizing your home, and inviting an artist to create an environment just for you is exciting and very personal. From asking and answering questions, to interviewing and reviewing estimates the process can be overwhelming. However, taking one step at a time, and focusing on your goals and vision will make the results tremendously rewarding.

Lead artist of Hampton Wall Designs, Julie Hampton has worked one on one with a variety of clients including interior designers, architects, and private home owners. A skilled artisan, Julie guides her clientele in selecting high quality finishes and surface designs.Aridatha Blog74567
Brunhilda Blog81244

The New Playing Field: Todays Womens Market

Salesperson Rick escorts prospective customer Sandra to the door and shakes her hand then turns back to his office.

Rick (to himself): That went great. I managed to hit every selling point and ask all the important questions. Im sure shes confident that Weve got what she wants. Shell go home, get permission from her husband and probably bring him back and sign the papers. If I dont hear from her by the end of the week, Ill follow up.

Sandra (to herself): What a waste of time, and like I have time to waste! I dont think he listened once to what I was saying, or maybe he was too preoccupied trying to get through his pitch. I hope I find someone soon who will be the right person to help me find the right car and the best deal. This is so frustrating.

Selling is a communication process. Communication means the transmission of ideas or information. With women, the communication process becomes a bit more complex than just making your pitch or gathering information. Its apparent through my many years of training salespeople that selling to women is harder than selling to men. Women take longer, need more input, expect more attentive service, require more follow-up, and more. Ive heard the same story over and over: Women are far tougher customers to do business with, and they demand more service than men.

So why bother? By now you already know the drill. For one thing, anyone who succeeds in selling and servicing women customers will tell you that the extra effort will pay you back in multiples. You could say that 1 + 1 = 3. That means, sell well to one woman and she will reward you with her business, her loyalty (more business) and probably a large number of referrals to other women (and the beat goes on).

For another, theres an even larger payoff as well: Once you can effectively sell, market to and retain women customers, youll have the tools to sell anything better to anyone. Men may not need the extra attentionbut will appreciate it. And almost any target market you can name demands attentive adjustments to their way of shopping, deciding and buying. Think minority markets. Think ethnic markets. Think Baby Boomers. Think seniors. Think about it: That means a lot of new business.

Now whether she likes the sales experience or not, eventually shes got to buy from someone. But when given a choice, a woman will go out of her way to do business with someone who provides the experience she prefers.

What does this mean to you? As a salesperson, you can create an advantage for your product by providing an experience that cant be found at your competitors.

Being the first one on your block to master the technique of selling to women is also more valuable than her business alone. Lets face it: women talk. They like to share stories and compare notes. They care about sparing their friends or family unpleasant experiences.

The New Woman Customer

Women today have the discretionary and disposable income to buy much more of whatever they want. They are the largest and best growth market out thereand they are never going back to the way things were.

The growing ranks of well-educated women are the ones who will go on to become the high earners in their professions. And in corporate America. Right now women hold the majority50.5%of management and professional jobs, according to Catalyst, even though they make up only 46.5% of the U.S. labor force.

That spells serious money to spend. Now that their lives have grown, women act even more decisively not only as buyers, but also as gatekeepers and deal-breakers. Clearly, we are well past the era of the dependent woman, whose access to financial wherewithal and purchasing decision-making was more passive and secondhand. The new breed of woman consumer today is educated, informed and more empowered than ever.

Tips for car dealers:

1. Get your business in order first. That means making sure your showrooms and your environment/individual offices are women friendly.

2. Create a business and marketing plan to increase your business among women. Dealers who made the effort to create a plan have increased their sales among women up to 50%.

3. Put your active listening skills into high gear. Women claim that they are often not heard or understood.

4. Be patient. Recognize that women take more time in the sales process. Use this time to learn more about her.

5. Build trust with your women clients. That means returning her calls the same day, calling her quarterly just to connect, create anywhere from 5 to 10 points of contact throughout the year which can include newsletters, emails, holiday cards, etc. The more valuable the client, the more points of contact!

6. Be religious about the seven-step process to selling to women so that you will exceed her expectations and build your business through loyalty and referrals!

Delia Passi is president of MedeliaCommunications and former Group Publisher of Working Woman and Working Mother magazines. She is a nationally recognized speaker, sales trainer and author of the Winning Strategies for Marketing and Selling to Women, audio book series. For more information visit

Delia Passi is the nations leading authority on Selling to Women. As President and CEO of MedeliaCommunications, Passi supports companies in their efforts to be the very best in their industry at closing the deal with the woman customer and retaining that customer forever. Passi is a prominent speaker and trains thousands of sales representatives each year on how to better sell to women and couples through a series of sales development training programs that she has created. Passi is also the author of Winning the Toughest Customer, The Essential Guide to Selling to Women (Kaplan, 2006)Anabal Blog57538
Angelique Blog7258

A Review Of A Newly Introduced Advertising Method: Expired Domain Traffic

Everybody knows the great advantages of e-commerce for online sellers and buyers. With the Internet, anybody can sell a product or show an idea to millions of potential buyers, with very low costs, no rent to pay, and without spending the whole day sit in a store. Now, this could convince thousands of Internet newbies to start their own website and work from home, anyway, a common problem they face when starting a new website or online project is to drive visitors to it. Ironically, the same thing that made the Internet a winning solution for e-commerce, also made it the hardest place where to be found.

There are several techniques to drive visitors to a website. Some of them are very time consuming, some are very expensive, some are completely ineffective. In this article, I'd like to describe a new, interesting advertising method, introduced recently, aimed to bring thousands of targeted visitors to any website. The idea behind this is very smart, and it's based on expired domains redirection. In fact, thousands of domain names expire every day and are available for registration. Most of them have a residual traffic coming from the "old life" of these names: in most cases, their previous owners built websites for these domains, listed them in search engines, and even exchanged links with other sites. All translating into traffic for that domain name.

The smart idea is to register these names, categorize them and redirect them to another website that match their category. Till today, people used to do this by themselves. This is effective, but extremely complicated, time consuming and expensive. Now, a company called Revisitors brought this process to the general public, registering thousands of domains and redirecting them to their customers' websites. Thanks to the large-scale transposition of this technique, webmasters and website owners can now take advantage of redirected visitors to drive targeted traffic to their website.

I tested this traffic for you by redirecting visitors to our website. The order procedure was very easy, and the campaign started almost immediately. I've been asked how many visitors I wanted to redirect, the category and the URL. After a couple of hours, I received my login information to track the campaign, and I monitored it closely. It usually take up tp 30 days to complete an expired traffic campaign, but mine took a bit more (they had a lot of campaigns running for the category I selected, and for this reason they was short on traffic). No problem, I always prefer the companies that apologize when short on supply, instead of just sending fake visitors and completing their campaigns on time.

Now, let's talk about the results: on the overall, I've been satisfied with the results. I bought 10000 visitors from the USA to our website, a site filled with articles about computer security and Google Adsense ads. I paid $48, so it's $0.0048 per visitor. Based on the website stats, about 10.420 USA visitors have been delivered in 41 days. I had a good response rate, with 71 subscribers to my newsletter and over 180 clicks on the Adsense ads.

In my honest opinion, this is an affordable way to gain instant traffic to your website. Of course, you cannot expect the same results of a pay-per-click campaign (i.e. Google Adwords), but it's definitely cheaper (pay-per-click campaigns cost $0.50 average per visitor), and worth the money. So, my recommendation is to give this new advertising technique a try, and see how it works with your website. If you get good results, you have found a new, and much cheaper, way to drive potential buyers to your website.

Rebecca Spee works as an independent consultant for several companies within the domain and internet marketing industry. She wrote hundreds of articles about new marketing ideas and internet opportunities published nationwide.Amanda Blog14813
Alexia Blog95951

About Writing

Here's everything I know about improving your writing, publishing it electronically and in print, and promoting it after the sale.

Two questions you should ask:

(1) What will it cost me?
(2) What does this Michael LaRocca guy know about it?

Answer #1 -- It won't cost you a thing. The single most important bit of advice I can give you, and I say it often, is don't pay for publication.

My successes have come from investing time. Some of it was well spent, but most of it was wasted. It costs me nothing to share what I've learned. It costs you nothing to read it except some of your time.

Answer #2 -- "Michael LaRocca has been researching the publishing field for over ten years."

This quote, from an ezine (electronic newsletter) called Authors Wordsmith, was a kind way of saying I've received a lot of rejections. Also, my "research" required 20 years.

But in my "breakout" year (2000), I finished writing four books and scheduled them all for publication in 2001. I also began editing for one of my publishers, a job I've been enjoying ever since.

After my first book was published, both my publishers closed. Two weeks and three publishers later, I was back on track. All four books were published, and a fifth was released in 2004. Written in 2003, no rejections. Another scheduled for 2005 publication, no rejections.

See how much faster it was the second time around? That's because I learned a lot.

Also, I found more editing jobs. That's what I do when I'm not writing, doing legal transcription, or doing English consulting work in Thailand (my new home). But the thing is, if I'd become an editor before learning how to write, I'd have stunk.

2005 EPPIE Award finalist. 2004 EPPIE Award finalist. 2002 EPPIE Award finalist. Listed by Writers Digest as one of The Best 101 Websites For Writers in 2001 and 2002. Sime-Gen Readers Choice Awards for Favorite Author (Nonfiction & Writing) and Favorite Book (Nonfiction & Writing). 1982 Who's Who In American Writing.

Excuse me for bragging, but it beats having you think I'm unqualified.

I'll tell you what's missing from this monologue. What to write about, where I get my ideas from, stuff like that. Maybe I don't answer this question because I think you should do it your way, not mine. Or maybe because I don't know how I do it. Or maybe both.

Once you've done your writing, this essay should help you with the other stuff involved in being a writer. Writing involves wearing at least four different hats. Writer, editor, publication seeker, post-sale self-promoter.

Here's what I can tell you about my writing.

Sometimes an idea just comes to me out of nowhere and refuses to leave me alone until I write about it. So, I do.

And, whenever I read a book that really fires me up, I think, "I wish I could write like that." So, I just keep trying. I'll never write THE best, but I'll always write MY best. And get better every time. That's the "secret" of the writing "business," same as any other business. Always deliver the goods.

I read voraciously, a habit I recommend to any author who doesn't already have it. You'll subconsciously pick up on what does and doesn't work. Characterization, dialogue, pacing, plot, story, setting, description, etc. But more importantly, someone who doesn't enjoy reading will never write something that someone else will enjoy reading.

I don't write "for the market." I know I can't, so I just write for me and then try to find readers who like what I like. I'm not trying to whip up the next bestseller and get rich. Not that I'd complain. But I have to write what's in my heart, then find a market later. It makes marketing a challenge at times, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

When you write, be a dreamer. Go nuts. Know that you're writing pure gold. That fire is why we write.

An author I greatly admire, Kurt Vonnegut, sweats out each individual sentence. He writes it, rewrites it, and doesn't leave it alone until it's perfect. Then when he's done, he's done.

I doubt most of write like that. I don't. I let it fly as fast as my fingers can move across the paper or keyboard, rushing to capture my ideas before they get away. Later, I change and shuffle and slice.

James Michener writes the last sentence first, then has his goal before him as he writes his way to it.

Then there's me. No outline whatsoever. I create characters and conflict, spending days and weeks on that task, until the first chapter leaves me wondering "How will this end?" Then my characters take over, and I'm as surprised as the reader when I finish my story.

Some authors set aside a certain number of hours every day for writing, or a certain number of words. In short, a writing schedule.

Then there's me. No writing for three or six months, then a flurry of activity where I forget to eat, sleep, bathe, change the cat's litter... I'm a walking stereotype. To assuage the guilt, I tell myself that my unconscious is hard at work. As Hemingway would say, long periods of thinking and short periods of writing.

I've shown you the extremes in writing styles. I think most authors fall in the middle somewhere. But my point is, find out what works for you. You can read about how other writers do it, and if that works for you, great. But in the end, find your own way. That's what writers do.

Just don't do it halfway.

If you're doing what I do, writing a story that entertains and moves you, you'll find readers who share your tastes. For some of us that means a niche market and for others it means regular appearances on the bestseller list.

Writing is a calling, but publishing is a business. Remember that AFTER you've written your manuscript. Not during.

I've told you how I write. For me.



The next step is self-editing. Fixing the mistakes I made in my rush to write it before my Muse took a holiday. Several rewrites. Running through it repeatedly with a fine-toothed comb and eliminating cliches like "fine-toothed comb."

Then what?

There are stories that get rejected because the potential publisher hates them, or feels they won't SELL (as if he knows), but more are shot down for other reasons. Stilted dialogue. Boring descriptions. Weak characters. Underdeveloped story. Unbelievable or inconsistent plot. Sloppy writing.

That's what you have to fix.

I started by using free online creative writing workshops. What I needed most was input from strangers. After all, once you're published, your readers will be strangers. Every publisher or agent you submit to will be a stranger. What will they think? I always get too close to my writing to answer that.

Whenever I got some advice, I considered it. Some I just threw out as wrong, or because I couldn't make the changes without abandoning part of what made the story special to me. Some I embraced. But the point is, I decided. It's my writing.

After a time, I didn't feel the need for the workshops anymore. I'm fortunate enough to have a wife whose advice I will always treasure, and after a while that was all I needed. But early on, it would've been unfair to ask her to read my drivel. (Not that I didn't anyway, but she married me in spite of it.)

Your goal when you self-edit is to get your book as close to "ready to read" as you possibly can. Do not be lazy and do not rush. You want your editor to find what you overlooked, not what you didn't know about, and you want it to be easy for him/her. EASY! Easy to edit, easy to read. It's a novel, not a blog.

Your story is your story. You write it from your heart, and when it looks like something you'd enjoy reading, you set out to find a publisher who shares your tastes. What you don't want is for that first reader to lose sight of what makes your story special because you've bogged it down with silly mistakes.

Authors don't pay to be published. They are paid for publication. Always. It's just that simple. Later, I'll tell you where to get some free editing. But there's a limit to how much editing you can get without paying for it. Do you need more than that? I don't know because I've never read your writing. But if you evaluate it honestly, I think you'll know the answer.

As an editor, I've worked with some authors who simply couldn't self-edit. Non-native English speakers, diagnosed dyslexics, blind authors, guys who slept through English class, whatever. To them, paying for editing was an option. This isn't paying for publication. This is paying for a service, training. Just like paying to take a Creative Writing class at the local community college.

By the way, I don't believe creativity can be taught. Writing, certainly. I took a Creative Writing class in high school, free, and treasure the experience. But I already had the creativity, or else it would've been a waste of the teacher's time and mine.

(Later I taught Creative Writing in China. We call this irony. One of my former English teachers also had Rod Serling as a student.)

If you hire an editor worthy of the name, you should learn from that editor how to self-edit in the future. In my case it took two tries, because my first "editor" was a rip-off artist charging over ten times market value for incomplete advice.

That editor, incidentally, is named Edit Ink, and they're listed on many "scam warning" sites. They take kickbacks from every fake agent who sends them a client. (I'll talk about fake agents later.) Avoid such places at all costs, and I will stress the word "costs." Ouch!

If you choose to hire an editor, check price and reputation. For a ballpark figure, I charge less than a penny a word. Consider that you might never make enough selling your books to get back what you pay that editor. Do you care? That's your decision.

Your first, most important step on the road to publication is to make your writing the best it can be.



My goal is to be published in both mediums, ebook and print. There are some readers who prefer ebooks, and some who prefer print books. The latter group is larger, but those publishers are harder to sell your writing to. I want to be published in both mediums, because I want all the readers I can get.

Before you epublish, check the contract to be sure you can publish the EDITED work in print later.

If you know your book just plain won't ever make it into traditional print, print-on-demand (POD) is an option. Some of my books fall into this category. The best epublishers will simultaneously publish your work electronically and in POD format, at no cost to you.

A lot of authors swear by self-publication, but the prospect just plain scares me. All that promo, all that self-editing, maybe driving around the countryside with a back seat full of books. I'm a writer, not a salesman. Maybe you're different.

I self-published once, in the pre-POD days. Mom handled the sales. I had fun and broke even. With POD, at least it's easier (and probably cheaper) to self-publish than it was in 1989, because you'll never get stuck with a large unsold inventory.

POD setup fees can range anywhere from US$100 to well over $1000. Don't pay the higher price! Price shop. Also, remember that POD places publish any author who pays, giving them a real credibility problem with some reviewers and readers, and that they do no marketing.



It doesn't matter how you publish your book. Self-published, epublished, POD, or traditional print publishing from a small press or an absolute powerhouse. Marketing falls largely on you, and the same things always work. Book signings, book reviews and interviews in the local newspapers and on radio. (Or Oprah, but what are our chances?)

Start with It will allow you to look up all the local media outlets in your area that have websites.

If you write to them all, you're a spammer. Plus, it'll take ages. Look for the ones with a legitimate interest and fire away.

If you find a stale URL, and I think you will, look for the name of that media outlet at some place like Google. Spend some time looking for the right press contacts, spend some time writing your press release, and do what you can.

Most of these sites list email, snail mail, and phone numbers. Since I live in Asia, I've only used email.

Book reviews, author interviews, book listing sites, and book contests are something we can all do, regardless of where we live.

Aside from two radio interviews and a seminar in Hong Kong, and some emailed press releases to the LOCAL media back in the US which may or may not have succeeded in anything, my marketing has come from the Internet.

I have a website. I have a newsletter. I write free articles such as this one. You found me somehow, right?

Here's the type of message I receive often in email. To be more precise, in spam.

"If a million people see your ad, and you get 1% of them, that's 10,000 readers and therefore $15,000 profit and you only paid 1000 for those million addresses."

NO!! It doesn't work that way. Need I use the words dot-com bust?

My website is free. My newsletter is free. I don't buy mailing lists, I don't harvest email addresses, and I don't spam. I want interested traffic, not just sheer numbers.

Do you think the Phoenicians tried to sell sails to people a thousand miles from water?

Internet marketing isn't a replacement for the methods mentioned above, but a complement to them. And by using it, I got you here. Hi!

Your goal in marketing is this. There are people in the world who like what you like. And since you like your book, they probably will too. You have to find those readers and make them interested, without spamming them and without "playing the numbers game."

If you're an e-author, let me state the obvious. Nobody buys ebooks who doesn't have Internet access. Do they? So you definitely need a website.

Traditional print authors need websites too. Even blockbuster authors like J.R. Rowling and Stephen King, who I doubt could garner any more name recognition, have websites. So does every long-established inescapable monstro-business from hell like McDonalds and Coke.

Okay, those folks pay web designers. I'm not doing that. I can't generate sales like that. And yes, I've been employed as an HTML programmer. But you can write your own website without learning HTML if you want. It's no harder than writing a manuscript with a word processor.

It won't be super-flashy like the big boys, but it'll communicate the information. Remember, you can communicate. You're an author! That's what keeps people coming back to a website after the thrill of the flash wears off. Information. Content. Your specialty. Not a ticket to massive overnight traffic, but slow steady growth.



Here's something you've heard before. When your manuscript is rejected -- and it will be -- remember that you aren't being rejected. Your manuscript is.

Did you ever hang up the phone on a telemarketer, delete spam, or close the door in the face of a salesman? Of course, and yet that salesman just moves on to the next potential customer. He knows you're rejecting his product, not him.

Okay, in my case I'm rejecting both, but I'd never do that to an author. Neither will a publisher or an agent. All authors tell other authors not to take rejection personally, and yet we all do. Consider it a target to shoot for, then. Just keep submitting, and just keep writing.

The best way to cope with waiting times is to "submit and forget," writing or editing other stuff while the time passes.

And finally, feel free to send an e-mail to me anytime. I'll gladly share what I know with you, and it won't cost you a cent.

I would wish you luck in your publishing endeavors, but I know there's no luck involved. It's all skill and diligence.

Congratulations on completing the course! No ceremonies, no degrees, and no diplomas. But on the bright side, no student loan to repay.

Michael LaRoccaBerenice Blog3395
Alissa Blog11583

Attain Your Personal Goals!!! Get Fast Secured Personal Loan

Fast secured personal loans provide you with the fast and secured financial support for fulfillment of your personal goals which needs money. These goals could be buying property for residential or commercial purpose, traveling places, business financing, debt consolidation or wedding and education of children and many more needs.

Fast secured personal loans are backed up by any of borrowers property or asset which yields some value. A fast secured personal loan offers you amount between ₤5000 to ₤75000 at low interest rates for a repayment period of 5 to 25 years based upon the amount borrowed. Fast secured personal loan also considers people with bad credit as the loan is secured.

Things to look for while going for a fast secured personal loan:

Hidden charges As the competition among the fast secured personal loan lenders is increasing day by day in the loans market. Lenders are reducing the interest rates. But they are trying to cover up for this loss in form of hidden cost for various reasons. You should be very much alert regarding these charges while going through the small prints i.e. terms and conditions for the loan.

Typical APR The APR or annual percentage rate reflects the total cost of the loan to the borrower. Lenders calculate APR of a fast secured personal loan through the principle of risk based pricing. According to this system, lenders analyze a borrowers credit status and current circumstances before deciding the rate of interest for the loan.

Early repayment penalty charges If the borrower repays the loan amount before the completion of agreed term instead of saving his money, could cost him in form of penalty charges. There is no fixed amount as it depends upon the term left for repayment and the policy of the lender.

Repayment capacity Determine your repayment capacity before selecting any amount to be borrowed. Getting larger amount can result in loss of collateral as lender can get the possession of collateral in case of defaults in repayments.

Finding and applying for a fast secured personal loan

Gone are the days when people used to travel to visit offices of fast secured personal loan lenders. It was not possible to visit each and every lender, the research remains incomplete. As a result of this they have to pay higher interest rates on these loans when better and lower alternatives are available. But now when the online option is available, you can go through a large number of loan quotes available with numerous lenders in the market. These quotes are freely available and no upfront costs are charged from the borrowers while applying. All these characteristics make a fast secured personal loan, the most simple and affordable way to raise funds.

Fast secured personal loans are quickly approved after the collateral valuation has been done and are ready to serve you and your wishes.

Gary Grobowski is working as financial consultant for ersonalSecuredLoans. He holds a masters degree in Finance. To find a secured personal loans, fast secured personal loan, bad credit secured personal loans, no credit check secured personal loans visit http://www.personalsecuredloans.netCassey Blog30146
Berti Blog52315


Powerful crawler equipment with a blade is called a bulldozer. Even though any heavy engineering vehicle is known by the term bulldozer, practically the term refers only to a tractor with dozer blade.

Earlier tractors were used to plough the fields and the first bulldozer was adapted from this tractor. During the First World War a bulldozer was used as an armoured tank because of its versatility in grounds which were soft.

A big thick metal plate is fixed on the front of the bulldozers for use in earthmoving jobs, raising dams and digging canals. As the tractor advances, the blade in front removes layers of soil. To move coal in the coalmines, to move large boulders or cut tree stumps, various specialized blades are used. Earlier, the driver used to sit on top of the bulldozers, which lacked a cabin. When powered down bulldozers were introduced in the 1930s it became the excavation equipment preferred by contractors. Find more info at

When equipment was needed to execute large-scale earth works, several bigger models were manufactured by various engineering firms. These machines were noisy, large and powerful and thats where it got its name bulldozer.

More powerful engines, better tracks, more reliable drive tracks, raised cabins and instead of the usual cable operations, hydraulic arms were some of the important improvements included in the bulldozer development.

More precise blade manipulation was made possible by hydraulic systems. To loosen soils which were rocky, or for pavement bread-up, a ripper claw was also added to bulldozers.

Throughout the world, these durable and tough machines are used by construction units of the military, they are also the preferred equipment for civil construction. Some of the other uses of bulldozers include demolition of enemy structures and clearing mines.

The tracks on the bulldozers give good hold on ground and easy mobility over rough terrain. In order to prevent it sinking in muddy or sandy ground, the wide tracks help the distribution of the weight of the bulldozer over large area. The torque divider in the bulldozer converts its power into ability to drag.

The power of the bulldozer can be gauged by its ability to tow tanks weighing around seventy tons. Areas of obstacles such as shrubbery, and burnt vehicles can be cleared easily.

Over time, bulldozers have been further modified to become a new machine capable of working in various ways which was not possible with the original bulldozer, for instance a hydraulic arm and a large bucket, which can be raised or lowered to scoop earth and load it into trucks.

Lucy Bartlett is a proud contributing author. For more info visit or Blog745
Carlyn Blog71758

Cosmetic Dentistry NYC adds to your charm and personality

Many times we realize the value of good things only when we lose them and our precious set of teeth could be one of those things. A simple carelessness on our part or perhaps a disease or even an accident can cause permanent disfigurement to our teeth. Cosmetic dentistry NYC could be a modern day solution to these problems. It has the ability to restore and beautify our teeth so that we are no longer embarrassed in social circumstances. Now every kind of dental problem whether it is yellow teeth, tooth decay due to germs, broken or misaligned tooth, chipped teeth and even in cases where a tooth or teeth have fallen out due to disease or accident can be taken care of, thanks to cosmetic dentistry NYC.

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry where the focus is on improving or modifying the appearance of the patients oral cavity and surrounding area to prevent or treat structural, functional or organic oral diseases. Cosmetic dentistry NYC can restructure the appearance of a persons mouth so that it is more visually appealing and enhances the looks and personality of the patient opting for such a surgery. The common treatments that fall under the category of cosmetic dentistry NYC or any other state are tooth bleaching or teeth whitening, enamel shaping, bonding and veneers. Even the dental filling and materials for teeth restoration that were used earlier for cosmetic dentistry were made of gold, amalgam and other metals. Some of them might have been veneered with porcelain. The recent innovations have made it possible to completely use porcelain or composite materials that closely resemble the natural set of teeth.

Cosmetic dentistry NYC provides a variety of options to the person who wants to go in for a restructuring of his or her dental structure. The most common recommendation for a cosmetic dental procedure is that of teeth whitening. Regular substance abuse, consuming edibles of extreme temperature like too hot coffee or frozen desserts can severely alter the color of our teeth, giving them an unpleasant tinge of yellow. A dentist supervised process can make our teeth regain their gleaming whiteness. A small chip in the teeth can be corrected by the process of enamel shaping that is another tool available under cosmetic dentistry NYC. This process removes part of the contouring enamel that improves the appearance of the tooth. Another option under cosmetic dentistry NYC for chopped or broken teeth will be that of bonding. In this process enamel-like composite material is attached to the tooths surface, molded into shape, hardened and then polished.

Cosmetic dentistry NYC also has the solution for people who may be embarrassed to admit in social situations that they have gone in for such a dental procedure. The invisalign braces and ultra-thin veneers are a concrete step in that direction. The extensive use of porcelain or composite material for dental work makes cosmetic dentistry undetectable in the people who have opted for it. This has induced many more people with dental problems to step out into the forefront and get rectification measures implemented on their teeth. Overall, we see that cosmetic dentistry NYC has brought hope to a lot of people who had earlier been suffering quietly.

Brad Taylor has a special interest in health related topics and advises people on many aspects related to health. Among other health related topics, dentistry is one field that he is specially interest in in.To know more about best teeth whitening,Restorative Dentistry and Dental Veneers,Cosmetic Dentistry NYC visit Blog1914
Catha Blog65439

Purchasing Office Supplies - What You Don't Know Can Be Expensive

For most companies, office supplies are not considered a top priority. As a result, the thankless task is often thrown upon an unsuspecting receptionist. Larger companies may have a purchasing agent but they too often lack the motivation to properly analyze this vital product category.

Granted office supplies is a rather mundane topic, but is there a smarter way to buy them? With over 25,000 items, it is a huge industry. Over the last 15 years it has been dominated by the mega national office supply companies. We all know who they are as they spend an enormous amount of money to market themselves with jingles, commercials, and flyer's effectively making sure we don't forget themand why not? The industry is valued at over $250 billion dollars.

At first, these behemoths dramatically lowered prices in a successful effort to eliminate many of the smaller "home grown" office supply companies. Most are now out of business. After the initial carnage, prices slowly began to rise and the transition towards internet ordering began in earnest. In 2005, commercial office supply ordering via the internet was a mere 5%. By 2010, the number is projected to balloon to 40%. Soon after, commercial internet ordering will dominate, as the days of a salesperson trekking through the office with a note pad and a box of donuts becomes obsolete. From a strict economic stand point, the overall price reduction did benefit the consumer while forever altering what was an old school business methodology.

Customers are now sufficiently spoiled to expect deliveries the next day. A hospital has two days to deliver a replacement heart in an ice chest, but in the office supply world, the need to deliver a tape dispenser the next day is all too real. This is now standard practice.

The inexperienced buyer will often look for lower prices through multiple catalogs or toggle through various websites in search of the best "deal". Perhaps saving an extra .30 on a box of file folders can be construed as a small victory by some, but it is incredibly inefficient. Often not calculated is the lost time and the expense in terms of wages for such an absurd exercise. Still, it's hard to get a buyer excited about office supplies and how they could be purchased more effectively.

Here's what the typical office supply purchaser may not realize. Generally, a company's operating budget is comprised of almost 97% labor expenses, 2% furniture and computer hardware, and only 1% general office supplies. Although it represents such a small fraction of the overall budget, because it is so high profile, office supplies are often the first things attacked during cost cutting efforts. Of course you need to make sure you're paying a fair price for the goods; but, even more importantly is ensuring that the procurement process is efficient. Addressing the labor associated with buying is in fact addressing the 97% of the cost rather than focusing only on the 1%.

Another change to affect commercial office supply transactions is the proliferation of corporate credit cards. Companies of all sizes now understand the ease associated with credit cards, the labor associated with paying via this method is significantly less, and if the right card is utilized, the company can earn valuable points from the card issuer. It simply makes sense.

So, if you are responsible for the thankless task of ordering the supplies for your company, know that effective buying is the result of efficient practices along with the actual cost of the product. You can have it all!

Thankfully there is a company created to assist the buyer with these inevitable trends. It offers a simple yet efficient ordering website designed to immediately produce the internet prices of both and It then automatically produces an instant discount from the lowest price. Now, buyers have proof of savings, and efficient ordering on one simple site. Welcome to Here the buyer is given the ultimate in control. Immediate price comparisons between two of the biggest office supply companies in the world are now yours. Moreover, we like to reward the buyers directly for managing this thankless task. See how it works here

Tommy Moore has been in the office products industry for 12 years and is the managing partner of To visit the site please go to Athene Blog745
Amalie Blog67704

Why Do We Need Anti-Spam Software?

Spam, otherwise known as junk email or unsolicited commercial email; is quickly becoming on of the most prevalent complaints of internet users. Not only is it annoying, but it is quickly becoming a dangerous and potentially expensive problem for businesses as well as individuals.

How is it dangerous?

First and foremost, spam is one of the leading causes for clogged networks and slow connections. American Online, one of the nations largest internet service providers; transmits over 8 trillion spam email messages a year. Those messages tie up valuable bandwidth and can slow down entire networks. Although end users will rarely see a significant change in their connections, they can rest assured that a noteworthy portion of their monthly bill is paying for that lost bandwidth.

Most spam includes images or weblinks within it commercial content. Although some of it is begin or at worst annoying, an increasing portion contains sexually explicit content. Spam messages frequently contain pornographic pictures or links to sex-related websites.

These messages are not suited for children yet can easily be accidentally opened by minors. In addition to simple sexual content, some of the most severely sexually explicit spam can contain images of such illegal and offensive acts such as bestiality or child pornography.

Aside from slowing connections or carrying unwanted pornography, spam is the leading cause of transmitted computer viruses. Computer viruses are programs which run malicious code which can damage computer systems, delete files and steal personal information. These viruses are often hidden in an email messages as attachments such as a pictures. Email transmitted viruses can render entire systems inoperable and delete important documents forever.

How can you stop it?

The easiest and most simple way to stop unwanted email is to employ a spam blocker. Spam blockers are manufactured by a variety of companies and be anywhere from free to costing upwards of 50$.

There are three basic types of spam blocking software. The first is a key-word blocker. These programs examine the header and body of an email message looking for a series of predefined criteria. For example, a program could be instructed to flag or block any email message containing the word sex.

Although seemingly straightforward, the spam blocker also has to stop any spelling variation of sex such as sexx or s_e_x. Although this type of spam blocker can do very well at stopping spam, it also has a tendency to block personal emails which may or may not contain flagged words.

The second type of spam blocker is an address list blocker which blocks or flags any emails not coming from a predefined list of addresses (such as the users address book).

Although this type of spam blocker does a very good job of not blocking personal emails from friends or family, it can inadvertently delete important messages from users not on the original predefined list. This can make it very easy to miss potentially important yet unexpected emails.

The third type of spam blocker is actually a hybrid of the aforementioned varieties. It will filter emails from known friendly accounts directly to the inbox while holding potentially dangerous emails in the filter. The user can then go in and sort through emails from either friendly strangers (non spam emails from unfamiliar addresses) or unfriendly strangers (spam emails from unfamiliar addresses).

Although these programs do require a slight amount of user interaction, they can protect your computer and keep you from inadvertently deleting important emails.

Robert Michael is a writer for Lib Antispam which is an excellent place to find antispam links, resources and articles. For more information go to: http://www.libantispam.comAlyson Blog60501
Brynna Blog87411

Is Online Learning the Right Choice for You?

Benefits of Online Education

An online education has many benefits including lower costs, no travel time, and easy access. All you need is a computer, meaning you can work whenever and wherever its convenient for you. This is especially true for the adult learner, who must often juggle studies with a full-time job.

Characteristics of Adult Learners

There are certain characteristics the adult learner must have in order to fully enjoy the benefits of an online education.

First and foremost, you must be able to use modern technology. You cant access the courses without a computer and the internet, and if you dont have a basic knowledge of how these work you may struggle.

Characteristics of adult learners also include the ability to learn strictly through written words and a good sense of self-discipline.

Naturally, an online education benefits people who prefer to work in solitude, without the distraction of other people around them. You wont have to speak up in a classroom full of people and can instead take time to think over your response to a question before submitting a written answer.

Motivating Adult Learners

There are many factors motivating adult learners to continue their education, particularly with the ease of online institutions. These can range from:

advancing your career,
seeking a raise, or
simply an eagerness to learn new skills or new knowledge.

This motivation is important, because you wont have anyone else standing over you forcing you to attend class or turning in your assignments. Therefore you should carefully consider if youre a self-motivating adult learner who can thrive in the online environment before enrolling.


Nancy Lambert is an executive for provides information on hundreds of degrees offered online through accredited colleges and universities. From online certificates to Associates, Bachelors, Masters and PhD degrees, helps students and adults discover the advantages of earning their degree online.Adrianne Blog13
April Blog29852

Debt Reduction Your Simple 9 Step Plan

Debt reduction doesn't have to be an overwhelming experience. Who wants to deal with a cure that's more painful than the ailment? Mounting debt is stressful enough then you have to face the task of figuring out just where to start if you want to get rid of it. Then there are all the different angles of attack you can take and that just adds to the frustration.

So here's a simplified approach that will get you started in the right direction for debt reduction. After all, sometimes the simplest approach is the most effective. This 9 step plan can help you get out of debt and stay out.

1. Spend less than you make. Easier said than done, right? I agree, but this is the very first step in any debt reduction effort. And theres no getting around it. The only way to get out of debt is to spend less than you make. The key is to get determined to make it happen.

2. Make a budget. Your budget is your plan. Follow it and it will get you where you want to go. Most people dont like the budgeting part but its absolutely necessary. The key to a budget is dont make it too complicated. You dont need to account for every single penny.

To find your starting point, determine how much you spend each month and what you spend it on. Make a list of all your typical expenses you would have over a one month period. Then you see where you can make cuts and adjustments. Keep finding ways to reduce those expenses until you are spending less than you make. Laying it all out in a budget and sticking to it will help keep your spending under control.

3. Know the difference between good debt and bad debt. Good debt helps you make money in the long run or at least won't help you lose money. Your mortgage and student loans are examples of good debt. Your house usually appreciates over time and an education usually helps you get better paying jobs.

A car loan is neither good nor bad. They tend to be lower interest loans but cars typically don't appreciate in value. So the best thing is to make sure your car loan is manageable and fits within your budget.

All other debt is bad debt. This includes credit card debt, payday advances, and all high interest credit or loans. These are the things that dont appreciate in value and now that you have put them on credit or loan, you just continue to pay for them month after month in the form of interest. So you want to tackle these debts head on in your debt reduction efforts.

4. Choose the one credit card you have that has the lowest interest rate. Make sure the monthly spending limit is within your monthly budget and use this card for emergencies only. Then cut up the rest of your credit cards. Now that you have your lowest interest rate card, never take it with you when you go shopping. Use cash or your debit card only.

5. Take all your bills from your bad debt pile and spread them out where you can see them all. Find out how much you owe by adding up all the minimum monthly payments. You'll want to pay this and more each month in order to pay off all that bad debt. Make sure you don't just pay the minimum or it'll never go away. After all, the name of the game is debt reduction. If this doesnt realistically fit into your monthly budget, then step 6 will help tackle the problem.

6. Consolidate your debt. Getting a debt consolidation loan can make your debt reduction efforts much easier. First, it lumps all of your loans into one loan so your monthly payments are lower and fit within your budget. Second, you can probably get a much lower interest rate than what youre currently paying (especially on credit card debt). Third, it simplifies things. Debt consolidation bundles it all into one loan with one monthly payment which means its easier to keep on top of it.

7. Stack your bill payments. What is this? It happens to be one of the most important things you can do when it comes to debt reduction. Stacking (or snowballing) is a way of accelerating your effectiveness when paying off your debt. This is how it works.

Take your bad debt bills from step 5, and put them in order from highest interest rate charged to lowest. Choose the highest interest rate bill and pay the minimum plus as much extra as you can on that bill, while paying the minimum payments on the rest of the lower interest rate bills. Keep doing that until the highest interest rate bill is completely paid off. Then repeat the process with the next highest interest bill, paying the minimum plus as much extra as possible while paying the minimum payments on the rest of your lower interest rate bills. Because you no longer have that first bill to pay, the extra monthly savings help pay off the second highest bill even faster. Then just keep repeating until they are all paid off.

8. Ask for a lower interest rate. With each of your outstanding credit card bills, call the company and ask for a lower rate. You can explain that you are a loyal customer but you're being offered much lower rates from other companies. This includes the bills for the cards you have already cut up. They don't need to know that you cut up their card. The goal is to pay as little interest as possible while you are trying to get rid of the debt. That way you have more money each month for your debt reduction efforts.

9. Make sure you have enough for emergencies. It's great to be aggressively paying off your debt but you need to plan for the unexpected. You don't want to be on such a tight budget each month that it doesn't allow for a misstep. You need to be in a position where you can make your mortgage payment or car loan payment.

Each of these debt reduction steps is achievable if you put your mind to it. A little willpower and this 9 step plan and instead of stressing about your debts you may find yourself trying to figure out what to do with all your savings.

Thomas Erikson is co-founder of which provides debt consolidation and credit information and solutions.Alyson Blog62888
Belle Blog21630

An Understanding Of Moores Law

It's plain to see that the computing speed found in the personal computers of today has been steadily picking up steam since the market began. Many wonder when our technology will begin to taper off, but according to a man named Gordon Moore, we're only beginning to tap the potential of what we can do with our computer systems.

Gordon Moore was a co-founder of the popular Intel brand. Aside from this substantial title, Moore is most commonly known due to his assertion of what became known as Moore's law. In the April, 1965 issue of Electronics Magazine, Moore put forth his beliefs about semiconductors:

"The complexity for minimum component costs has increased at a rate of roughly a factor of two per year ... Certainly over the short term this rate can be expected to continue, if not to increase. Over the longer term, the rate of increase is a bit more uncertain, although there is no reason to believe it will not remain nearly constant for at least 10 years. That means by 1975, the number of components per integrated circuit for minimum cost will be 65,000. I believe that such a large circuit can be built on a single wafer."

Surely, when he said it, Moore had no idea how significant his assertion was. The statement was taken to heart by a Caltech professor by the name of Carver Mead, who dubbed the belief "Moore's Law". In 1975, Moore stated that he believed his equation would continue to hold true, save the fact that it would take 2 years for a doubling of the computing power. His statement was made based off of what he had seen in the market so far and what he predicted it to do. Making the announcement may have actually helped to push computer scientists to follow and achieve the goal throughout the years. Clearly, the manufacturers have been meeting that goal. Questions arise, however, about the theory's validity in the coming years. Moore himself has stated that the size of the transistors that we are building cannot get much smaller unless we figure out a significant method of changing the process. He still believes that we will continue to progress for the next 10 to 20 years at the same rate, but is curious as to where computing can go from there. At Moore's rate, it would place machines capable of processing 100 gigahertz of information per second in our houses as soon as 10 years from now.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles for - In addition, Kadence also writes articles for and Blog51825
Catherine Blog14941

A Buyers Guide to Film Scanners

Film scanners are made for the sole and express purpose of scanning film directly into your computer. Unlike their flatbed counterparts, which may be able to handle media of various sizes and thicknesses and can even scan film if a transparency adapter is installed, film scanners scan only one thing: film. But because the image to be scanned is taken directly from the original material - from the film, and not from a print - film scanners allow more direct control over image elements such as cropping and aspect ratio. In addition, film has more detail and dynamic range compared to prints - which invariably lose tonal range and color data during the printmaking process. These are real concerns to photographers and graphic artists, who rely on original slides and film - and film scanners - to ensure the integrity of scanned images in professional and commercial applications. So, if your work relies on scanning negatives, slides, and other types of film, a film scanner is the right choice for you. This buying guide tackles some of the more important things that you need to know when looking for a film scanner.

Style and Type Some flatbed scanners include either an external or built-in transparency adapter that is used to scan film. Other flatbeds are of a dual-bed design; i.e., with one bed - the glass flatbed part of the scanner -for scanning prints; and another bed - a transparency bay that looks like a pull-out drawer - for scanning film. If you intend to scan only the occasional slide or stray piece of film, and don't mind the lower resolution as well, a flatbed scanner that can accommodate film may well serve your purpose. Be aware, however, that the resulting film scans will not be suitable for commercial or professional use. To obtain the best results, nothing less than a dedicated film scanner will do.

Bit Depth

A scanner's bit depth determines the number of bits captured per pixel, which is related to the number of possible colors. The higher the bit depth is, the greater the number of colors that can be shown. Bit depth for film scanners on the market today can be 30-bits, 36-bits, 42-bits, or 48-bits. Always aim for higher bit depth when possible, as this allows the scanner to work with and retain a greater amount of color information. A 48-bit scanner, for instance, produces 65,536 levels or shades of color per R,G,B (red, green, blue) channel, resulting in a mind-blowing possible combination of about 250 trillion colors. In contrast, a 36-bit scanner produces 4,096 levels of information, or a paltry 68.7 billion colors.


For scanners, the optical, or "true", resolution is what matters, as this is the actual number of pixels being read by the scanner's optics. Film scanners have much higher resolution figures compared to flatbeds, with optical resolution in film scanners ranging from 2700 dpi to 5400 dpi, and 4000 dpi being the most common. The high resolution in film scanners allows you to enlarge small images, creating enough pixels in the process to print in full-page size.

For instance, a full-frame 35mm color negative scanned at 2400 dpi will result in a size of about 3400 x 2200 pixels. If this 2400-dpi image is printed at 300 dpi, the resulting printed image will be 8 times larger than the original film size (2400/300=8). In actual terms, this means that your original 1.4 x 0.9-inch film (36 x 24 mm) can be increased by 8 times to 11.2 x 7.2 inches when printed at 300 dpi - without any loss of image clarity or detail. A word of caution: Because film scanners can scan in such high resolutions, file sizes can be big. Scanning the 35mm negative at 2400 dpi in the example just cited will result in a file size of 22 megabytes.

Film Formats

Most film scanners work with 35mm film. Some can scan APS film, but an optional APS adapter is needed to batch scan the full APS roll. Other film scanners, such as the Microtek ArtixScan 120tf, can scan medium format film as well, ranging from 6x6cm to 6x17cm panoramic. Check to see what types of film holders are provided with the film scanner; most models will include a 35mm slide holder as well as a 35mm filmstrip holder. A few models offer optional autofeeders that accommodate 50 mounted slides to allow efficient batch scanning of film.


The hardware interface of your film scanner will determine how long it takes to transfer digital data to a computer for processing. Together with the actual operational speed of the scanner, the hardware interface plays an important part in determining scan speed. Most older film scanners have SCSI ports; the newer film scanners feature FireWire or USB (Hi-Speed or USB 1.1) interfaces. Models with either USB or FireWire interface are hot swappable - which means the scanners can be plugged or unplugged from other devices to which they are connected without having to turn the scanners off and on.

Dynamic Range

The dynamic range of a scanner measures how well it can capture the tonal range of an image, ranging from the brightest highlights to the darkest shadows. Dynamic range is a more important spec in film scanners than it is for flatbeds, because film and other transparent media have a broader range of tones compared to photos or prints - something that film scanners are perfectly equipped to capture and show. Dynamic range is measured on a scale from 0.0 (perfect white) to 4.0 (perfect black), and the single number associated with a scanner indicates how much of that range it can tell apart. The minimum and maximum density values that can be captured by a scanner are called Dmin and Dmax, respectively. If a scanner's Dmin was 0.2 and its Dmax was 4.2, then its dynamic range would be 4.0. The dynamic range of film scanners are usually advertised by their manufacturers as falling somewhere between 4.0 and 4.6, but these are intrinsically difficult figures to prove or validate, and a model claiming a higher number may not necessarily have better results to show, mainly because of variances in testing and determining the figure. A more practical way of assessing would be to visually check how shadows and highlights are reproduced by the scanner and then compare the results to the original image or to how other scanners reproduce those same tonal colors.

Dust-and-Scratch Removal, Film Repair

Software provided with film scanners can be specialized and varied. Like flatbeds, film scanners will include their own driver or scanning software, as well as bundle an image-editing program - such as Adobe Photoshop - into which scanned images are delivered and placed. In addition, higher-end film scanners may include a color calibration and ICC profiler program, which ensures consistent color by creating a color profile specific to the film scanner. With the ICC profiler program, an image - known as an IT8 target and containing industry-standard color values - is scanned, and then compared to values that the scanner actually recorded. The differences are then translated into a compensation scheme to even out color variations, so that accurate color results can be produced in the future.

Dust and scratches on film can present a big challenge for film scanners, as imperfections can take on gigantic proportions when the film is scanned at the scanner's very high resolution. Film can also be damaged through improper handling, and what appears to the naked eye as a tiny scratch may render the image on a film practically useless. For this reason, a number of film-repair technologies have been developed to remove imperfections, allowing an image to be reconstructed and printed flawlessly, as though it came from a pristine original. These film-repair technologies may be implemented either through software alone, such as the dust-and-scratch removal feature from the SilverFast program by LaserSoft Imaging; or through a combination of hardware and software, as is the case with the DIGITAL ICE technology built-into some models.

Other technologies

Depending on the model, film scanners may incorporate proprietary technologies unique and exclusive to their manufacturer. Such technologies may include an auto-focus mechanism to ensure perfect image capture, a patented feeder mechanism, or specially designed holders for making film stay flat. These features may make a real difference in improving the quality of your scanning or streamlining your workflow.

Microtek Lab Inc. is a consumer electronics company focused on scanners, plasma and lcd televisions, digital projectors, lcd monitors, digital cameras, home theatre equipment, and accessories. You can view their online store at Use of this article is permitted provided that the article is used in its entirety.Candice Blog5827
Ajay Blog83091

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